


学生健康 Center offers care to students who are traveling abroad, including 体检、咨询和必要的免疫接种. 在你旅行之前,做一个计划 travel medicine appointment to make sure you are prepared for your trip.


  1. 请致电(251)460-7151预约. 
  2. Please allow at least 4-6 weeks before your departure in order to have enough time 完成所有疫苗接种. 一些预防性的治疗可以在 较短的通知.
  3. It is critical that you have your immunization records with you (or already in our 记录)与供应商的访问. 如果你有任何表格需要我们填写, 你也需要带上这些东西.


检查 疾病预防控制中心网站 获取你要访问的国家的信息. 阅读有关流行病或疾病爆发的报道 在进行中. 阅读有关水和食物的注意事项. 疾控中心网站也会给你 information on the general immunizations you need and any additional vaccinations 特定国家需要. 有些疫苗需要在几周前接种 离开,所以不要等待. Make an appointment as soon as you know where you will be going, so any needed vaccines can be given in the appropriate time frame.



  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) (Series of 2 shots)
  • Tetanus and Diphtheria (Td) – within the past 10 years or 5 years if you will be doing 在室外的泥土或生锈的材料周围工作
  • 乙型肝炎(三针注射)
  • Individual countries may have HIV testing or vaccination requirements to get a visa 或者进入这个国家.
  • Tuberculosis (TB) screening after returning is a good idea if you are visiting an 已知发生结核病的地区.


An additional dose of vaccine is required in Africa, Asia (East and 南east), the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and the majority of the New Independent States 前苏联的一部分. 

SHC can provide immunizations for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A and oral Typhoid Vaccine. 小儿麻痹症 and Yellow Fever immunizations can be obtained at the Mobile County Health Department.


Some medication for malaria must be taken before, during and after your trip in order 要有效率. Use of insect repellant decreases your chances of contracting malaria. Different strains of malaria are prevalent in different regions of the world, and not all medications are effective in preventing or treating some strains.


If you are taking prescription medication, you should keep the medication in its original container from the pharmacy, which will have your name, the medication name, dose, and the name of the practitioner who prescribed the medication. 请勿转让任何 将药物装入任何未标记的容器. 你也可以要求有一封书面信件 or prescription from your physician verifying this medication was prescribed by a licensed practitioner and is necessary for medical reasons. 你应该计算 amount of medication you will need while you are away, and bring enough so you do 不是用完. Some countries prohibit certain kinds of medication such as ADD/ADHD medicines or controlled substances, so make sure to research the medication laws where 你将会旅行. Emergency contraception and birth control pills may be illegal 在一些伊斯兰国家购买或携带. 糖尿病患者需要知道 each country’s regulations on needles and should have a note from their provider stating they have diabetes and should be able to carry needed supplies (including syringes) 与他们.


The number one cause of illness in travelers is from food and waterborne diseases. Diseases from food and water can cause diarrhea, vomiting, fever and liver disease (肝炎). 疾控中心有更多 如何在国外保持健康的小贴士. Some suggestions include drinking only bottled or boiled water or carbonated drinks in cans or bottles (and not using ice), not using tap water to brush your teeth, and only eating thoroughly cooked food or fruits and vegetables you have peeled yourself. Avoid street vendor food or dairy products unless you know they have been properly 巴氏杀菌. Do not handle animals, especially monkeys, dogs and cats.